Thursday, May 26, 2016

Vegas ICSC Tips & Tricks

  1. Get in one day early and spend some time with a client.
    1. Use any extra time to gather your thoughts about the show, clients, push a few more emails, prepare for the coming year, etc.
  2. If you’re coming in from the east coast, stay up as late as possible on the first night to adjust to the time zone change as fast as possible. 
  3. Figure out how to work in your email offline (Ex. Gmail Offline), so you can push email on the plane without needing an Internet connection.
  4. Don’t forget noise canceling, over-the-ear head phones for the flight.
    1. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get a decent pair.
  5. Try to schedule a fun event with clients that doesn’t center around a dinner or cocktails. 
    1. Do something unique.
  6. Make sure you eat.
    1. It’s easy to go from one event to the next and not eat correctly. 
  7. Watch how much alcohol you drink.
    1. Conference attendees can start out at a booth cocktail party at 4 PM and get up from the restaurant table at 11 PM or 12 AM. 
    2. That’s a long time for drinking.  Be careful.
  8. Drink as much water as possible.
  9. Be careful how and where you schedule your meetings.
    1. It’s a big convention center with a lot of distance between the halls. 
  10.  A tablet (iPad, Android, etc.) works great for carrying everything you need for the entire show. 
    1. I haven’t carried paper for 3 years now. 
    2. Evernote works great for recording anything you needs and it syncs with all your devices and desktop. 
  11. Print three copies of your schedule and carry it in 3 different places.
  12. Don’t use your phone or tablet to check your schedule. 
    1. The battery won’t last through the day and into the night.
    2. Carry a portable rechargeable power source for your phone.
  13. Go to the airport early to go through your convention notes and business cards. 
    1. Catch up on emails
    2. Return calls
    3. Put yourself in a great starting position for when you return home and to the office. 
    1. Carry lip balm.
    2. Wear comfortable shoes.
    3. Exercise routinely before the show.
    4. Spend some time at the hotel gym and burn off all the new-found calories.
    5. Use business card scanner on smart phone.
    6. Recap meetings on the flight home before some of the details escape you.
    7. Most Important: Call loved ones and or family back home!

What would you add?  Post a comment or send me note and I will update the list.
P: 610-645-7700 x108

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Make the Diffficult Call

I recently posted a video about making the difficult call.  If you have a hard message to deliver or you need to give someone bad news, don't delay the phone call.  When you make that call to the friend, colleague, client, consultant, vendor, or family member, the conversation in and of itself helps strengthen your relationship.  It's the right thing to do.  The person on the other end of the phone may not like the reason for the call, but they, deep down, appreciate that you picked up the phone. 

If you don't make the call or delay the call, you are telling the person your relationship really doesn't mean that much.  You're telling that person the discomfort of the call has more power over you than your relationship.  That's awful.  You can do it.  Pick up the phone. 

Make the Difficult Call

Rob Samtmann

What's He Doing?

I am going to give something new a try.  There's a lot going on in my world and Equity Retail Brokers' world that some people never see.  Unless your are an existing client of mine or the company, people just don't get to hear how I feel about certain topics and they don't get to know some of the best things about our company. 

So, I am going to try distributing some short videos, randomly and roughly produced, about all things business and commercial real estate.  Let me know what you think.  Post a comment or shoot me an email.  I would love to know if the videos are at all valuable.  Thanks, as always, and take care. 
