Monday, October 30, 2017

57 Gander Outdoors & Overtons to Open

Camping World Press Release
According to this press release from the Camping World web site, at least 57 Gander Mountain stores will become Gander Outdoors or Overtons. 

Camping World Press Release Article

The first 15-20 Gander Outdoors to open by 3/31/18 according to a Camping World SEC filing. Article

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Story of Casual Dining Restaurants

I liked this article because it simply is a good, current accounting of where the casual dining industry stands. 

Morning Call Article

If I start reading an article and find myself continuing, especially to the end, I imagine you might appreciate it as well. 

Let me know if we can ever lend a hand in your real estate efforts.  Thank you. 

Rob Samtmann
P: 484-417-2208

Instagram & Twitter: @RobSamtmann